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phpwcms 1.3.3
RELEASED: 02.05.2007


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English > Installation & Upgrade6/28/2007 > Update phpWCMS RC 1.1

Update phpWCMS

how to update correctly

If you want to update a phpWCMS installation please follow these instructions.

Save all your data wich you had changed.
Normaly these are the files and folders:

include/inc_conf/ (seit 1.1-RC4 28.08.2004) phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html

Now you unzip the new version of phpWMCS.

It is encouraged to replace the new dates with your modified dates which you had backuped of the old version of phpWCMS.

If you have installed an older version of phpWCMS ( for example RC2 ) edit the ( include/inc_conf/) manually.

include/inc_conf/ (seit 1.1-RC4 28.08.2004) phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html

In the course of constant updating, the following data were continuously changed and developed further. Please compare the data with data such as, frontend.css. since new entries have been made.

For the optimal comparison of two data we recommend the freewware-tool Winmerge. A special feature of this tool allows for the mating of two data, thus providing an optimal alignment of the text. 

Here is the download
Now upload the unzipped and edited new version and overwrite the existing phpWCMS installation.
Now backup the database. If you haven’t done this yet, or you don’t know how to create a backup of your database, follow this link.
If you have done this yet, just go ahead with reading.

klick, to enlarge

Now we get to the actual updateprocess. For that, please go to upgrade.php.
You find this page in the setup folder of your phpWMCS installation.
( or

When you open upgrade.php, you see this overview (picture on the left)

in the upper part you see following fields:

db host: your database host ( mostly Localhost)

db name: your databasename

db user: your database username

db prepend:

select sql file: here you choose the SQL file which you want to update.

Now press the selectfield select sql file

Now you see following variety:


From the list, select first data after the installation release. In this case it would be the phpwcms_1.1-RC4_13-08-2004.

If you have installed an older version, the data of the SQL files start with phpwcms_update_older.sql.
Now you see in the textbox entries which will change.
Now press Start upgrade to accept the innovations.
After you execute the update of the database, you see an overview of the update.

To make futher updates, click on Choose another SQL file. Then you get back to the startpage of the updatefunction. From there you can, if necessary and available, go on as described to install these.

If you see this error, you probably have the current version of phpWCMS for which no updates are required or you have chosen an incorrect SQL-file.

Please click again on another SQL file to select the next update, if available. 

Article created: 2004/09/10 Last Changes: 2005/07/02
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