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 131 Wrote 2004/08/15 at 19:30 
Uwe Twelker

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uwe.twelker at eyelikeit dot de
I'm using the PHPWCMS for about half a year. And I think it's dynamite. What makes it great is of course the PHPWCMS itself. Easy to install, easy to use (you feel like driving a Mac!). But that's far form being everything. There is an Oliver who talks and listens to his users and works and works and works... There is a great community assisting in the forum. They are fast, they are friendly, there are competencies for almost everything and this knowledge is generously shared. There is another Oliver, and Manfred and Achim and Jayenne who work there butts off to set up this documentation. And there a lot of more unknown people with a lot of unknown useful contributions.

Thank you all. I'm proud to be part of this community!

hello mac and thank you for the translation and the correction of some articles.
Oliver "Pappnase"
 132 Wrote 2004/08/14 at 16:34 
Tim Driever

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PHPWcms is a great CMS!! Good work Oliver and the crew from this site that you make a documenation for PHPWcms! Succes..!
 133 Wrote 2004/08/14 at 01:10 
Jérôme Gamez

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Sehr gute Arbeit. Die Seite wird fortwährend umfangreicher und besser. Vielen Dank für euren unermüdlichen Einsatz, insb. Oliver (Pappnase), bei dem man sich fragen "muss", ob er eigentlich irgendwann auch mal schläft oder etwas anderes macht :).

Viele Grüße
- Jérôme
 134 Wrote 2004/08/12 at 21:31 
Stefan Bachfischer

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Einfach ein super CMS. Dieses Verwaltungssystem wird in zukunft in jede Website meiner Kunden eingebunden. (Und auch in die eigene:-)

Macht weiter so!!
 135 Wrote 2004/08/11 at 13:40 
Enrico Eilert

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ich fange gerade an mit phpwcms zu arbeiten und bin gerade auf eurer Seite gelandet. Sie hilft auf jedem Fall weiter. Danke und weiter so.
... enter here
